
Indulgent yet responsible fabrics

Can you wash or otherwise clean conventional fabrics to remove all the toxic residues so that you’d end up with  a fabric that’s as safe as  an organic fabric?  It seems a reasonable question, and sure would be an easy fix if the answer was yes, wouldn’t it?  But let’s explore this question, because it’s …

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Characteristics of hemp

O Ecotextiles (and Two Sisters Ecotextiles)

We were charmed by this quote, which was written by Yitzac Goldstein of Earth Protex, many years ago: Before Huang-Ti’s time                                       clothing was made from skins of birds and animals. But as time went on people increased and animals were few Causing great hardship. So Huang-Ti ordained that Clothing should be made from hemp fiber. …

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Just found this and had to share…

O Ecotextiles (and Two Sisters Ecotextiles)

I just found the web site for Green Air (www.greenairradio.com) which bills itself as  “a nationally syndicated news radio feature and multi-platform interactive hub for Green and environmentally significant news, stories and entertainment. It is comprised of a broad network of media professionals including producers, journalists, broadcasters, writers, photographers and filmmakers worldwide. Green Air creates, …

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